Being one with nature has its perks. For one, it eliminates the ‘noise’ from all around you. This is true, especially when you decide to turn off your smartphone, walk up to your garden, and sit still with the greens. Everything just seems peaceful, calm, and serene whenever you’re meditating amidst Mother Nature’s many creations. As a homeowner, you might be struggling to find the appropriate add-ons for your yard. You already have your Desjoyaux pool, your kid’s mini play area, your hammock, your surrounding French drains, and all your other custom fixtures—but something still seems amiss. Perhaps your home lacks its own water garden! You might be thinking, “Well, hang on! A water garden? Is it similar to the garden that my neighbor has?” The answer is a resounding “Yes” and “No.” You see, just like their ordinary counterparts, water gardens are also made up of plants. However, instead of being planted in soil, your garden would be floating on top of a water feature, like a mini pond.
“So, I wouldn’t be able to plant my Azaleas and Violets on them?”Unfortunately, you won’t! You have to take care of aquatic plants instead. But here’s the thing, being one with nature also entitles you to experience nature like never before. Caring for unfamiliar plants would only widen your horizons, giving you a new experience with each unique water garden plant that you’d ‘encounter’ along the way.
“What are some examples of aquatic plants that I may care for in my water garden?”There are three main categories of water plants that feature a whole lot of aquatic flora. Just to name a few are:
Floating Plants – Water Hyacinth, Water-spangle, and Mosquito ferns.
Marginal Plants – Lotus, Cattail, and Arrowhead.
Submerged Plants - Water lily, Featherfoil, and Shining pondweed.There are too many to mention fully, so be sure to read up on the other aquatic plants as well!
“How would I care for my water garden?”Caring for your water garden would heavily involve its “inhabitants” as well, which is why you should be prepared to take on this heavy task.
Take the size of your mini-pond into consideration when you’re planning to add more floating plants. Never add too much or too less—just the appropriate batch of plants so that your garden would still look beautiful without looking too crowded or too barren.
Get rid of overgrown foliage and dead flowers, but don’t throw them in the trash. These can still be used as compost.
You should know that there are also liquid fertilizers. They basically function similarly to normal soil fertilizers, albeit different from some of their main components.